Every year, hundreds of people are attacked and bitten by dogs. Maybe their owners failed to keep them under control. Maybe the dog is inherently vicious. Maybe it was just an accident. Whatever the case, if you've been bitten, and you want to seek damages for your injuries, you need the services of a dog attorney.
Not just any attorney will do, however. You need one who specializes in dog bite cases, and who knows the laws inside and out. Many are tempted to handle such cases themselves, but this nearly always ends in disappointment.
Despite the obvious wisdom of hiring a lawyer to prosecute your case for you, there are many who question whether or not it's the right thing to do. After all, it's easy to provide proof that you've been bitten by a dog. What could go wrong?
All too often, people who attempt to prosecute dog bites end up dealing with insurance companies. These companies are unfortunately notorious for making incredibly low settlement offers to people without attorneys. The mere presence of an attorney is often enough to raise your compensation as much as 400 or 500%!
Another common reason for not hiring an attorney in a dog bite case is the expense involved. However, most attorneys in this field work on contingency, which means that you won't pay anything unless they win your case for you (in which case they'll receive a percentage of your winnings). Besides, the greater award you're likely to receive with an attorney is typically more than enough to make up the cost.
Others sometimes worry because the dogs that have bitten them belong to friends of theirs. They want to seek damages, but they don't want a lawyer interfering and ruining their relationships. Rest assured that your lawyer will not be "out for blood"; he or she will simply work to get you the money that is owed to you. The question of whether or not a dog will be euthanized is also beyond the scope of lawyers; animal control and local law are typically in charge of these matters. This case is about financial restitution, not about persecuting or harassing the owners of the pet in question, and your lawyer will respect that.
A simple injury from a dog can all too quickly turn into a serious matter. You could wind up paying massive hospital bills or even miss work! Since this is so, don't take any chances when it comes to prosecuting your case. Instead, retain the services of a qualified dog bite attorney in los angeles. You won't regret it.
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